
Reeds aging

Crucial to the stability and consistency of a reed, each Gonzalez Reeds model has its own aging time.

Cane is an organic, natural, living element. The more care is taken with them, the better the final quality of the reed will be. As with the rest of the wood, they contain moisture as soon as they are harvested, and their structure is still somewhat unstable.
It is necessary to store them in a controlled environment, so that they lose moisture and their internal composition evolves until they stabilize. This process lasts at least 2 years, and is carried out in a dark environment, with a stable temperature.
However, the more time is taken in this process, the better properties the resulting reeds will have. The aging process improves the life span, consistency and stability, preventing undulations in the tip and defects in the plane of the table.
Therefore, all our saxophone models have a minimum aging period of 2 years. On the other hand, in Clarinet, the aging time is as follows:
– Bb and EB Clarinet RC: 3 years
– Bb and EB Clarinet Classic: 3 years
– Bb Clarinet GD and FOF: 5 years
The consistency, durability and stability achieved in our reeds thanks to long aging and high-quality raw materials are unmatched.