
Samuel Pompeo

“I’ve been using the Gonzalez in all my instruments, and they are a crucial part of my sound composition. Gonzalez Reeds bring me features — as brightness, clarity, balance emission of air, and tone balance — in each one of the musical instruments that make me comfortable to play any repertoire. That is why I use and recommend them”.

He was born in Americana, São Paulo, Brazil, where he began his saxophone studies in 1982 at the Municipal Music School, and made his first works in the Americana Municipal Band.

He was always interested in the saxophone, as well as the flute, piccolo, and clarinet, that’s why he looked for the necessary knowledge to play said instruments. To do so, he studied with the most renowned musicians in Brazil, including Nailor Aparecido de Azevedo (Proveta), Eduardo Pecci (Lambari), Cláudio Leal, Grace Lauren, Roberto Sion, Hudson Nogueira, Nivaldo Ornellas, Dilson Florêncio, Idriss Boudroua and Vitor Alcântara.

He recorded and played with several Brazilian and international musicians, such as Jane Duboc, Elba Ramalho, Alceu Valença, Gilberto Gil, Pepeu Gomes, Jon Anderson (Yes), Alice Cooper, Fito Paes, Toquinho, Maria Rita, Jair Rodrigues, Simoninha, Ivan Lins, Gal Costa and Zélia Duncan.

He participated as a guest musician at the main symphonic orchestras from Brazil, like the Symphonic Orchestra of the Municipal Theatre of São Paulo, São Paulo State Symphonic Orchestra, Repertório Experimental Orchestra, Campinas Municipal Orchestra, Ribeirão Preto e Santo André, USP Symphonic Orchestra and Brazilian Symphonic Orchestra. He recently played at concerts alongside very important jazz musicians like Banda Mantiqueira, Tad Nash (USA), Ben Alisson (USA), Ohad Talmor (USA), Bepi Damati (Italy), Gilson Peranzzetta, Ryan Keberle (USA) and Woody Witt (USA).

These experiences enriched even more his repertoire and allow him to explore new musical aspects, matching his versatility and talent with a variety of styles and artistic expressions. His musical career it’s still marked by important collaborations, both national and international. Also, he often performs as a guest professor in workshops and masterclasses in Brazilian and international institutions. Among these, it can be distinguished the Estadual de Santa Catarina University, the Anhembi-Morumbi University, the Brazil SaxFest from Santa Marcelina University, the Música Dramática Tatuí Conservatory, the Federal de Maranhão University, the Educational Conference for Band Musicians, the Superior Music School from Lisbon, the Aveiro University and the Festival “Fiato al Brasile” from Scuola Comunale di Musica “G. Sarti” in Faenza (Italy). These opportunities as an educator allowed him to share experience with students and musicians from all over the world, contributing to the development of new generations of musicians.

Doctor in Music from Aveiro University and São Paulo State University, nowadays he’s a professor at the São Paulo Municipal Music School and performs as a guest professor at the festival “Fiato Al Brasile” in Italy. As an instrumentalist he leads the Samuel Pompeo Quintet, a musical project that highlights his unique and creative artistic expression. Also, he has performed a wide range of musical styles both in Brazil and Europe, increasing his versatility with the saxophone and other instruments.

From his career as a musician, teacher and researcher it can be highlighted his dedication to the music world, whether it’s on stages, classrooms or in the continue search of artistic improvement and growth.